Okay, so I'm making a small attempt to do a blog. Lets just say as it stands, I probably won't be hardcore because I'm still too lazy with writing stuff and I spend more time on Facebook than blogging. And I love napping. So who knows, might not see another post for another year. Here's to hoping a little more frequent than that.
To start, I should introduce the family. Jance and I have been married for 4 years now. Crazy, I know! I can't believe I've been able to convince someone to stick around for this long! Needless to say he's a pretty awesome husband. We met in Lethbridge while we were both still going to school and enjoying the YSA life. And then BAM! August 31, 2007 we were married in the Cardston, Alberta temple.
I finished up my Physical Education degree and then taught for a year at Kate Andrews High School in Coaldale, AB before Jance got accepted into the Medical Program at the University of Alberta. With crazy excitement for new adventures, we bought a house in Edmonton in August 2010, and have been here ever since.
Jance has enjoyed the change so far and has had much less stress about getting the A+ in every class, while still working hard at pursuing his dream to be a surgeon. Let's just say it's a different kind of stress, but he seems to enjoy the hands on work, with the book work occasionally being a drag. However there are a few sections this year he seems pretty excited to learn about. I, on the other hand, taught for the first 7 months of our time in Edmonton at Tofield School (Gr. 5-12) while gaining a steady amount of baby momma weight! I finished work on March 18, 2011 and Kinnley arrived March 23, 2011! Had a great time teaching, but Jance and I were both ready to be parents.
So now, we have become a family of 3 and it has been AWESOME! I love being at home watching our little girl grow up! Kinnley started at a whopping 8lbs 9oz (2 weeks early I might add) and has more than doubled her birthweight now and is 6 months old. She is constantly full of smiles (to the point that her face pretty much disappears...LOVE IT) and I am proud to say she's the best baby to ease a woman into motherhood. It's amazing as a mom the little things I am so impressed with every day with Kinnley. Something as simple as a smile or rolling over or even noises that are made just make it so exciting to see what comes next her future. As I wait anxiously for her to reach the next milestone, I am missing her sweet innocence that shone as a brand new baby. Her personality already is definitely starting to show, especially since we started her on solids a few weeks ago. Let's just say she loves sweet potatoes and squash, not so much peas and green beans.
So there you have it! May the next blog posts be of some interest to you as you may (or may not depending on my small amount of ambition) follow our experience in life as the McGale family.
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