Saturday, 24 March 2012

How Old Is Kinnley? 1 YEAR!

Well, it's official. Kinnley is a year old. My mom taught her a couple days before her birthday how to stick up her index finger when asked, "How old is Kinnley?" She's so smart what can I say ;) Needless to say, when I woke up yesterday I just couldn't believe that I have a 1 year old! So I spent the day prepping for her party (a few friends and family over). We had mini fruit pizzas that I got the idea from Pinterest (I made my own kind of icing for them instead of what was on Pinterest and it was so yummy! I just combined instant lemon pudding powder and whipping cream). As well we had chips, liquorice, baby treats for her friends and lastly The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake (mint chocolate style). I was a little nervous about the cake because it was my first time ever making a cake (crazy I know) and of course first time for a child! But I think I did a good job. Again, so grateful for Pinterest and a Mom who I can get advice from in the cooking department.

ANYWAY, let me just say that Kinnley DESTROYED her cupcake and didn't waste any time. As soon as she saw a cupcake in view, it's like she knew it was destined for her. Overall, it was fun just visiting and being social for a change. Kinnley got spoiled with gifts (won't be needing anything for a WHILE). She also had a  rematch race (they raced at Greyson's birthday party) with Greyson Comfort, Bode Steed, and Sophie Innis (my niece). Greyson was so close, and then Bode ran through the finish line just in time to claim his victory (he's the only one who can walk). Kinnley adopted the Tortoise and the Hare philosophy, where she was the tortoise, only she didn't win the race. Instead she decided to mosey her way over making sure to wave and say "Hi" to everyone she passed by. At least she crossed the finish line unlike her last attempt. And Sophie, well, she ended up being more of an observer. My brother Steve was kind enough to be the photographer of the evening making sure to catch many highlights as you can see.
The Cake (with fruit pizzas in background)
 Taking a few bites



Opening her gifts (this one is from Aunty Cherum)

 Kinnley's bffs (and future prospects?)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mexico and such

At the end of February, Jance and I went to Mexico for 9 days! It was so much fun! We stayed at Grand Riviera Princess in the Maya Riviera. The hardest part was leaving Kinnley behind, but she was in good hands in Fort Macleod with Jance's parents. One highlight to the trip was we got upgraded for free as soon as we got there to an "Adults Only" area that had free wifi! This made it great to Skype Kinnley on our iPhones. So we made sure to do that and it made things better for when we returned so that she didn't make strange too much.

Here's some photos from our trip.

 Snorkelling in a Cenote (underground water cave)


 Chillin on the Beach

 We took a Mexican "Collectivo" to the Tulum Ruins. It POURED on us but that was refreshing and not a big deal seeing that we weren't at the beach. (Check out Speedo next to us...maybe I should have cropped this haha)
Sunset the morning of our last day

I couldn't believe how much progress she made while we were gone! Grandma and Grandpa McGale sure know how to get kids going! When we got home she was crawling on hands and knees, moving from her stomach to a sitting position, and becoming a little more stable with her walking (while holding Gramma's hands of course). Also, she says Mom and Dad much better, and she only did it once for us over Skype but she could say "WOOF" when asked what a puppy-dog said. Crazy! We're still working on "Ball", but she says "Ba" on occasion when she's trying to point it out. I'm a little biased, but she's such a little smartie! 

Jance also taught her last week when she wants something she points to it and says "THIS". It's kind of funny because it almost sounds like she has a little lisp and says "THISTH". Love it! 

Kinnley absolutely loves books. One of my favorite things she does is opens a book and starts babbling like she's reading it herself. So cute. 

Number One!
Well, it's been a couple months and time is flying by! Next week Kinnley will be 1 year old! I can't believe how quickly time flies. She wasn't feeling well with the runs and had no appetite for the last couple days, which made me paranoid that she was losing weight. Luckily whatever she lost is coming back as her appetite is back and one again is a bottomless pit. This girl seriously loves food, especially TREATS (who doesn't?)!

Today we were at my sister's and she made these super yummy chocolate cookies with mint M&M's. Kinnley wasn't impressed that I wouldn't share. Luckily her aunt is easily convinced to share. haha. I guess this is prep time to watch her get CHOCOLATE WASTED on a cupcake next week for her birthday. I must say thinking of what to do for a 1st birthday is a toughie! I could not think of what to do, especially since I'm not the craftiest, and my own personal interests involve sports or the outdoors, which seems to suite little boys at this point in Kinnley's life. Kinnley loves books so I tried to find some connection and I couldn't get myself to go super girly yet (I'm sure that will be next year when Kinnley wants a Barbie or princess party), and seeing that I'm not the greatest with color arrangements, we're going with The Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday cake (using cupcakes). Thank you Pinterest! I seriously don't know what I would do without Pinterest to help me in the crafty/creative department. Probably leave it to my sister to create. She's a crafty one that girl. I'm kind of nervous/excited to do it; but I've never made cupcakes (sad I'm sure) before. I'll let you know how it goes. Here's some photos that have highlighted some things in the new year so far.

 Jance studying...or attempting to haha

 Kinnley tobogganing with her besties Blakely and Greyson. They look thrilled (but she really does like it!)

Playing in the snow

Greyson's birthday party and the contestants (or competition?)

 Posing with their numbers

 Kinnley's laundry basket fort (or prison whatever you think)

 Kinnley in her Mexico soccer uniform we got from our trip

 LOVES wearing glasses (thanks Grampa McGale!)

Luc pulling Kinnley in the sled. We're slave-driving him early to get ready for that future farm work!