Being a mom of two has been great. Of course it's not easy breezy, but it's fun. Kinnley is slowly moving away from being a "lovingly abusive" sister to just a big sister (and all that entails). Mainly she has moments of pure sweetness where she tries to stop Wren from crying by dancing for her, bringing her lots of toys or just saying, "It's okay Wren". Other times it's more like a yell, "Wren! Stop crying!", like today for example. And of course she has to sneak in a kick or jab here and there before the day is done.
Last Friday I had a true moment of bliss. I find I tend to get out of the house as much as possible through the week just to make days go by faster and to keep my own sanity. Whether it's the indoor park, pool, or running errands, I need to get out. However for the last couple days last week I decided it might be a good idea to stay home and have Kinnley realize that we don't just get to watch TV all the time when we're home. She also had a nasty cough and was hitting other kids way to much, so it was time to just be home. I find from going out all the time that when we actually are home I just want to turn on a show, put Wren down for a nap and chill (aka waste too much time on Facebook, Instagram, and Bejewelled). So I needed to improve things. Baby steps I figure. So last Thursday and Friday was
Now this moment of bliss…on Friday, there was a point where Wren was on the floor and Kinnley kindly gave her a couple toys from our nativity set to play with (in other words, didn't throw at her). Kinnley was focused on stringing some beads from an old necklace. They both hung out side by side and it was SILENT. You could hear a pin drop, silent. I thought to myself, silence=heavenly. I sat on the couch and just watched them with pure joy. It lasted quite a while. AMAZING. Period. So that was my moment of bliss. It made me realize that I need to spend more time at home. Not everyday, but more than I have been.
So Jance has been all over the place getting in electives to put his foot in the door at a couple different schools and make his CV look good (and gain experience too). He spent a couple weeks in Halifax and a couple in Calgary (we joined for a week and got to spend some quality time at "Comfort Candy")., and a couple in Vancouver. While he did those things, I kept myself busy in the summer with my first sprint triathlon, Color Me Rad, and the Spartan Race (which Jance was able to squeeze in). I also snuck in a visit to see my new niece Erika Innis in Vernon, BC. Anyway, I'm glad Jance is with us for a while now until CaRMs interviews. Jance is in his geriatrics rotation, and he's learning lots about incontinence, delirium and dementia. He

As for Wren, she's 8 months now! She is awesome. Sleeps 12 hours, naps twice a day, and is still an adorable pipsqueak. She's starting to say mama (obviously without comprehension of what that means, but I like to pretend she does). She rolls everywhere she needs to be and spins in circles. But her hobbies include nattering and sitting in one spot until someone moves her to the exer-saucer or jolly jumper or brings her things to play with. Still not much of a cuddler though and gets frustrated when she's on her belly and doesn't get very far. Right now she has caught whatever Kinnley got last week so she has a constant runny nose and nasty cough. She was pretty sad today which is out of the ordinary, and still doesn't have teeth so it could be a multiple of factors affecting her mood. She had a rough night last night similar to the first night she was born. Up every hour. Poor thing. And with food, she doesn't like to be fed. Wants to feed herself (but doesn't get to very often yet) and eat what we eat. She is definitely the picky eater thus far in the family, but is slowly getting better. Did I forget to mention she LOVES baths? (she cries when I take her out and get her dressed)

Kinnley is potty trained for the second time, but still has her moments. I usually have to just tell her when to go, otherwise she'll usually have an accident. And just yesterday, she finished off her halloween treats and thus has no more potty treats. So we'll see how things go over the next couple weeks. Every day is a different day on how she'll be. Goes in waves of pleasing and rebelling. She loves it when she can do something on her own though. One morning she went upstairs and came down fully changed and ready to go for the day. She was pretty proud of herself (and everything was on the right way!). It's a lot of fun now going and doing things as she is getting braver. She loves swimming with her little water wings and dancing like a princess. This girl is IN LOVE with Disney Princesses (and Barbie movies). Doesn't have a specific favourite, because her answer changes every day. Also, she loves wearing dresses. As soon as church is over and we get home, Jance and I are in sweat pants. Kinnley wants to stay in her dress. Last week, she wore the same dress three days in a row (and would have continued if I didn't make her change). She is a true girl. I'm sure she'll be picking out my wardrobe when she gets older, because I'm horrible with fashion trends. As for shows, the popular ones as of late are Bubble Guppies,Team Umi Zoomie, and Super Why. I can handle that.
So here's some glimpses from the summer and fall. We only got to camp once and that was in September. It was a little chilly I must say, but fun. We went to Ram Falls with Jance's siblings. Wren's first camping trip. Halloween included Princess Jasmine and her pet tiger Raja. And lastly, going out to enjoy the snow.

Love all the pictures!!! Good catch up post Robyn.